Thursday, October 25, 2007


The Perfect Pooch For You
From Discovery News

I came across this article in my personal feed and because it related to dogs, it caught my interest. This article touched up on how some humans are more satisfied with their dog relationships than their human ones. I did not find this in any way surprising. Have you seen how people treat their pets? Its unbelievably crazy.....and somewhat cute at the same time. But if I had to choose, its mostly bizarre. I can categorize myself in that crazy state because at one time, I used to dress up my dog and push her in a stroller around my neighborhood. Now let me mention that I was younger...I also use to have a basket on the back of my bike so I could ride her around with me where ever I went. I laugh now at the picture of my dogs tongue hanging out of her mouth, sticking her head out just above the top of the milk crate as we sped through the streets of my neighborhood.. Haha! I love that. So yes, I’m completely guilty of treating my dog as my best friend. Her name is Junie B. and is an adorable, little Bishon Frise..
I think the reason why our relationships between our pets are so strong is because we know that they are incapable of letting us down. Dogs are so loyal and want to please us so much. In the article, it says that in a new study on human/dog relationships has revealed clues as to what makes the best pooch-to-person match. One of the clues was, "A canine's openness to new experience and agreeableness are the strongest predictors of relationship satisfaction". The study also suggests that, "dogs' generally trusting, non-judgmental, empathetic and curious nature enables them to blend into their owners' family and home, and bring comfort and enjoyment into their lives". Dogs seem to bend their personalities to ours, and that’s what makes us love them so much; They like to do what we like to, they listen to all our problems, and fix them, too, without having to say a word. Based my own personal experience, all dogs need is love and however much you love them, they return the favor 10 times as great. And so I guess that truly makes them, "mans best friend".
One thing I found very interesting was that this study also suggests that, "while people tend to dislike neuroticism in other people, they frequently like that quality in their dogs". As we come through the door from work or school or whatever it is that we do, our dog pummels us with overwhelming happiness! They’re jumping all over us, and managing to paint our faces in slobber with their tongues. And as gross as the slobber may be, we love the attention. We love the fact that we know that someone is missing us when we’re gone, even if its our dog. We enjoy every ounce of love our dog gives us. This reminds me of the movie ‘Legally Blonde’ where she takes her dog everywhere while coordinating outfits for each of them to match. So in situations such as this, the dog has no other choice but to have the miniature personality of its human dominance. Knowing this makes me happy. Now that I think about it, I don’t think my dog and I have determining personality traits, but we mesh as well as any other human/dog friendship. As I type, I feel like one of those annoying dog-obsessed people where they only talk about their dog and buy their dogs Christmas gifts and pay to have clothes for them. But I am indeed a dog lover, and that is an absolute fact.

"‘Dogs provide unconditional love,’ explained Holbrook. ‘You could be the worst scoundrel in the world and everyone else may hate you, but a loyal dog will always love you.’"

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Young Scientists

Kids Count: Young Citizen-Scientists Learn Environmental Activism
From Edutopia

Now I understand this article is very short compared to others, but I saw some things as I read that got me thinking about our environment and some things that I truly enjoyed reading. This article touched on young citizens (like me) getting involved in their community through science. The story told in the article was one about the rediscovery of wingless soil insects. (For some fun, trivial background information): This specie of insect was first discovered in New York in 1951. This tiny purple bug was found by a group of high school students at Great Smokey Mountains National Park, which is located on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina, according to my research.
One thing I really liked about this article was how the youth was getting involved in their world. Normally, these days you see teens wasting a lot of their time on things like the computer or fiddling around with the new technology and getting so wrapped up in it (I include myself in this). Now I’m not "dissing" on our technology, because our technology gives us amazing advantages. But we as humans get so involved with whatever new gadget that our world begins to revolve around just that, and nothing else. I think that we need to remember where we came from. And for me, it’s nice to hear there are people staying in touch with the real world… I find it refreshing.
The other thing I loved so much about this article was that fact that it proves; We never stop learning. Amazing, isn’t it? I am in love with this. I can wake up everyday knowing that today isn’t going to be the same thing as it was yesterday, but it will be totally different. I look forward to learning more about me, my family, my friends, and of course, my world. As I read that these students rediscovered this little insect, I though to myself: "How lucky are we?" Some people might say, "Well, it’s just a bug." Just a bug? I say, "HELLO WORLD OF NEW DISCOVERIES!" It’s weird how exciting this is for me....But just think about it...If that little bug was out there, think of what else might be undiscovered. The world has come so far from its beginning and to think that we still haven’t discovered all it has to offer simply amazes me.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

School Shooting-World news

Gunman Opens Fire at Cleveland High School
From Google News

This article is about an event that took place today at SuccessTech High School in Cleveland, Ohio. A 14 year old male student went to school today and opened fire in a hallway. He injured two male students and two male adults, thankfully they are all in stable conditions. The student shooter is said to have shot himself after going on his rampage. SuccessTech is a "nontraditional" public high school, where students are interviewed before they are picked to attend the high school.
As I read this, anger scorched through my body, remembering Columbine and the terrible events that took place there only a few years ago. I ask myself, "Why do things like this happen? What provokes these shooters to come into a school, their school, and shoot people." I just don’t get it, that doesn’t make any sense to me. I was surprised to read that SuccessTech was for advanced kids. I would never have expected there to be a shooting in a school like that...But I guess things have changed, and now we have to expect the unexpected.
"But I don’t know why they don’t have metal detectors in this school." Ever since what happened at Columbine, I feel like there are school shootings happening everywhere now. Its time schools start preparing for incidents like this. I think a metal detector is a great idea that all schools should consider because this could help prevent school shootings from occurring.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Inves.on lion shooting

Investigation begins on lion shooting
From the Denver Post

This article caught my eye as I began looking through Denver Post's new acticles; One: because I was generally interested in this topic; Two: I'm what would be considered the "out-doorsy" type. I like knowing my out doors enviornment, and when something happens, I have a concern for my Rocky Mountain of a home. This article reported on the investigation of a moutnain lion shooting. A man, who was mentioned to be from out-of-state, was staying up in a home near Gross Reservoir (west of Boulder), when he heard his dog barking outside at 1:30 a.m., saw that the lion was attacking his dog, then shot and killed the lion.

When I read the first half of this article, my mind was saying, "Don't you have the right to protect your dog? You can't just let it get mauled by some mountain lion, can you? Or at least I couldn't." I felt like this man had every right to protect his dog. The man said he even felt threatened by the lion, which that itself borders on self-defense. As I read on, the article quoted Jennifer Churchill (Colorado Division of Wildlife),

"'You have the legal right to protect your personal safety, your personal property and your livestock," Churchill said. "A pet dog is not considered any of those. '"

Hmm, but isn't there some right that says, "I can protect my dog if being eaten by a mountain lion"? I began to get a little angry with this. But as I read the other half of the article, my mind saw the other side of the situation.

" 'But more and more people are moving into lion country. And more and more people are leaving their pets outside. They are real easy prey for mountain lions,' she said. "

If people are moving onto what they know is mountain lion country, they need to know the pre-cautions of living on their territory; Leaving your pet outside, unsupervised, is one of them. This made me question the guy who claimed to have shot the lion.....What was his dog doing outside in the middle of the night anyway? Now I have to admit, that's not being smart. That, to me, is basically asking a hungry mountain lion to come eat my dog. Now to answer the question of whether this man should be charged for shooting the lion....As much as I feel for the man and his poor dog, I believe his lack of responsibility for his pet over- powers his right to shoot the lion. Don't be too hard on the guy, I'm sure we've all had our fair share of being irresponsible.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

LocalNews Blog- Rescuers

'Tragedy Stunned Rescuers'
From the Denver Post

The title of this article is what caught my attenion as I scrolled through, trying to find what I found most interesting in Denver Post's local news articles. This article highlighted on the story of the five maintenance workers found dead in Cabin Creek last Tuesday and the affect it had on the Henderson rescue team. As i read this article, what amazed me over and over again was how incredibly brave all those mine rescuers were and how severly determined they were about saving these miner's lives.

"'I am proud of the guys. The professionalism. I mean they were going into an atmosphere where five men had died. We didn't know those guys were dead. But there was no doubt in anybody's mind that they were going into a life-threatening situation,' Arnold said. "

Part of my appreciation for these rescuers comes from the fact that I would never be able to what they do. The feeling of saving somebodys life must be indescribable, but I would never in a million years be able to handle the grief and over powering sadness of witnessing death(s). I don't think that I would ever be able to go through my life the same. But perhaps that is their motivation; They are afraid of what will happen if they don't save those people's lives. I believe that whatever these people witness, whether it's good or bad, makes a dramatic effect on the next rescue mission they perform. If they saved lives before, they want to continue with that performance. But if they didn't get to save lives, they work that much harder to make sure they do the next time. They put everybodys lives before their own. I just find that to be an amazing blessing to our community, our country, and to our world.

I would like to thank all the men and women that work so hard to take care and protect our community. What would we do without our fire-fighters? Our police forces? Our doctors? And mine rescuers, such as the Henderson team? We would be a mess. These people are our lights in the dark. They give us hope and continuously revive it with all that they do.

"'You just try to figure out what's going on, where are the guys, how did they get there. You are just trying to get your sea legs,' Arnold said. "

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

All Work and No Play; Ed. blog

All Work and No Play
From The Fischbowl

I was looking through all the blogs and articles that Mr. Fisch posted, and I came across one that was posted a while ago, but it caught my interest. Mr. Fisch posted this blog from Dan Maas’s blog (school districts CIO), and Mr. Maas talked about how he incorporated play in his work. One experience he told was of his running career and how he took his work as play by taking the work given to him and constantly working at it and experimenting with it.

"I embraced the running I had long played at while they rejected the work."

As I read this, I began to uncover the real meaning of what Mr. Maas was saying. I’ve been given work by a teacher and/or a parent and didn’t want to do it because of the fact that it was WORK. How lazy of me, I know. But what Dan Maas was saying, to me, was that he took that work that was given to him and used that to challenge himself. This had a very inspirational impact on me. I realize that my attitude towards work is key. If I’m not willing to do the work, it will never be done right, if done at all. But if I have the attitude that Mr. Maas displays, my work will not only get done, but I could find myself having fun while doing it. I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but to be honest, I love the feeling of challenging myself and being able to comprehend what I learn at school.
Another thing I loved about what I read in this blog was Mr. Maas’s enthusiastic dedication towards his work. I’ve heard of "making learning fun", but I think that Maas refreshes the idea. As a student, I have tried my best to be on top of my work and be on time with assignments, but as any other kid, I get so tired of constant, work, work, work. I’ve begun to have the attitude of "What about my time?", and as I think about that, I think of how terrible that is. Of course having down time is important, but being so consumed with the need to hang out with friends or sit on the couch makes me think of how selfish I am. My learning and studying time IS my time. So if that’s true for me, I can at least give it the effort it deserves by challenging myself by fully applying my mind and heart to my work.